At The Campbell School your child’s day is flexibly structured to meet the needs of children aged 2.9 years old to Five years old. A well-planned, well-balanced curriculum, guided by teachers, but directed by children’s needs and interests, helps your child to develop, learn and socialize with his or her peers in a safe and nurturing environment.
Preschool Daily Arrival and Dismissal Times
- 8:00 — Optional Arrival
- 9:00 — 9:30 Arrival at school
- 1:00 — 1st Dismissal
- 3:00 — 2nd Dismissal
- 4:00 — 3rd Dismissal
- 5:00 — Final Dismissal
Preschool Daily Activities
- Free play
- Circle time: theme of the day, finger plays, exercises, songs, music, stories
- Outdoor Play
- Bathroom and Hand Washing
- Snack Time
- Class Project: craft, painting, science, drama
- Clean Up and Closing Circle
- Lunch and Outside Play
- Rest Time
- Small Group Activities
K1 Daily Arrival and Dismissal Times
- 8:00 Optional Arrival
- 9:00 — 9:30 Arrival at School
- 3:00 Dismissal
- 4:00 Dismissal
- 5:00 Extended Day Dismissal
K1 Daily Activities
- Free play
- Morning circle: pledge, weather, calendar activities
- Shared/Interactive writing: morning message, word work
- Shared Reading
- Outdoor Play
- Snack
- Language Art Centers
- Math activities
- Lunch
- Rest
- Free Play
- Theme related activity: art, music, social studies, science
- Afternoon Circle