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3 Year Old Class

The three year old class helps young children develop confidence away from home while learning to work and play within a group.  Simple concepts are presented and supported with hands-on activities.

All aspects of the day lend themselves to a learning experience.  Clean up time with sorting and grouping lends itself to pre-math skills, along with introduction of shapes, counting, and color recognition.  Language and listening skills are practiced at circle time with books, fingerplays and songs.  Promotion of self esteem and self awareness come from the “Me Bag.”   Each child has a turn to fill the bag with their version of important and fun things about them and presents it to the class.  Art projects, cooking, outside time, music and movement are part of our class every week.  Our day ends with group involvement and cooperation play.  Games such as The Farmer in the Dell incorporate important skills such as language, listening, turn taking and music.   It ends the day on a happy and upbeat note.